Cycling4Gaza 2015 takes off in 3 days!

Zara Hannoun —  July 21, 2015


Dear cyclists, friends, family and supporters,

It is hard to believe that we are only a few days away from our seventh Cycling4Gaza event. It was only 10 months ago that a group of 40 of us crossed the finish line at Capitol Hill in Washington DC to the warm (and loud) welcome of supporters.

Each year, there is something unique about our cycling challenges. In 2014, we were driven by the images and heartbreaking stories coming out of Gaza after last summer’s war, and committed ourselves to doing our utmost to contributing whatever little we could to alleviating the unacceptable circumstances that the people and children of Gaza were enduring. This year will be monumental for several reasons. First, this is our biggest group yet – 50 cyclists strong, including two young boys from Gaza and The West Bank (more on Adham and Mutassam to follow). Second, we will end our 2015 tour at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which Palestine formally joined in April 2015, setting the scene for investigations of human rights violations related to last summer’s attacks.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of our latest Newsletter!

Zara Hannoun

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