2017: Avila to Madrid

When: 2017
Where: Avila to Madrid
Distance: 320km
No. of Cyclists: 55
Charity Partner: The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Amount Fundraised: £200,000


Check out our 2017 Video!


A Few Words from Tarek Al Jabi:

Cycling4Gaza combined my 2 passions – fitness and giving back to those in need. I was happy this year that they chose to focus on mental healthcare as I was privileged growing up to have access to psychologists even when my issues were nowhere near as traumatic as those the people of Palestine face daily, I was a victim of bullying, was clinically obese and at one point clinically anorexic – and through the help of professionals I was brought back to living a happier life – a dream I hope others get to have access to. Through my training I am able to instill courage and motivation in others to try cycling or enter into any physical activity – which acts as a double benefit – supporting Gaza as well as influencing a community to try cycling (I actually learned how to cycle properly after I signed up for this cause and now love it – so hopefully more people follow in my foot steps and discover the great cause as well as the beauty of cycling).

We asked Samia Kallidis why is she #Cycling4Gaza:

Because every kid deserves the chance to be a kid. A kid can’t choose where they’re born or what situation they’re born into, but they can do something about it given the opportunity and resources. I wanted to do anything I could, no matter how little, to raise awareness on the importance and intensity of PTSD, because mental health is underrated and often ignored.