2018: Boston to New York

When: 2018
Where: Boston to New York
Distance: 400km
No. of Cyclists: 28
Charity Partner: Medical Aid for Palestinians
Amount to Fundraise: £70,000

Media Coverage:



A Few Words From Amalee Nsour, a Jordanian American first-time cyclist:

Going on the C4G trip this year was one of the most unforgettable experiences I’ve ever had. Within 4 days, I made amazing new friends from all over the world, who were all united and committed to doing all they could for Palestine.

Dana Mahmoud, another first-time cyclist had this to say:

We rode together as one big family and while the ride was challenging at times, our collective support and strong passion for the cause motivated each and every one of us to make it to the finish line feeling proud and determined to continue to raise support and awareness for vital projects in Gaza.