Projects 2009



In 2009, our first cycle, Cycling4Gaza partnered with Medical Aid for Palestinian’s UK and supported three projects:

1. Emergency Maternal and New-born Health Care

11,250 women were expected to develop complications during pregnancy and birth in addition to 3,700 babies classified as high risk. In order to battle this issue, MAP partnered with UNFPA and UNICEF to create effective systems and protocols to ensure the appropriate level of care was available for pregnant women and new-born babies in the Gaza strip. The overall purpose of the project was to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity by developing an integrated emergency procedure for safe delivery and new-born health. The project employed three types of positive interventions: the training and capacity development of the staff, provision of the required emergency obstetric equipment and supplies and the implementation of an emergency response and coordination plan. This project improved the quality of care of 80-90% of pregnant women and new-born babies in the Gaza Strip.

2. Specialist Burn Care Training

The Specialist Burns Care Training project ran for over a two year period to guarantee the effective training of the staff and upgrading the equipment in the facility to the required standard.  The individuals trained through this project were accredited with qualifications of a new distance diploma developed by the University of London. The execution of this project was vital for the well-being of the Gaza population due to the limited resources, capabilities and facilities available for burns patient care and rehabilitation within the Gaza Strip.

3. Training of Trainers in Primary Trauma Care

The final project we supported was the Training of Trainers in Primary Trauma Care; a program that is continuously being developed due to the novelty of the concept. Training of Trainers (ToT) provides members of the community with the skills and knowledge that allow them to act as effective first responders to give critical first aid intervention within the golden hour of patient injury; essential for the nature of current life in Gaza.