Archives For tamara

C4G day 2 – Wismar to Muritz, 135km

tamara —  September 21, 2013

Day 2 done! We’re now resting in Muritz after a very long day of rain and pedalling 135km. Thank you to everyone for your fantastic messages of support. Keep them coming! Keep sharing our news and spreading the word in your networks. We have raised over $160,000 (£100,000) so far for the PCRF and working hard to hit our target of $230,000. Still taking donations here:

Tomorrow we will cycle a final 100km to reach Berlin. Until then, enjoy the photos!

Morning aches and pains, getting ready to get back on the bike..

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Awareness-raising flyers we are handing out along the way for any curious Germans..

c4g germany flyer 3

And they’re off!

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Happy faces in the rain..

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C4G 2013 takes off from Hamburg

tamara —  September 19, 2013

45 of us are on our bikes from Hamburg to Berlin in support of the PCRF. 74 km covered so far. Rain and sun and cloud and blue sky all rolled into one. Now leaving Lubeck and heading towards Wismar where we will spend the night.

direction stop

c4g2013  c4g2013_tam q

group start

Keep following our progress here and on Facebook and Twitter. And help us spread the word in your social media channels!

My Journey

tamara —  November 28, 2012

This week, we hear from another one of our dear cyclists, Simon Lam (aka legs of steel). He tells us about what led him to sign up for the Turkey cycle challenge: starting with his trip to Palestine earlier this year.

‘If you head to the West Bank, you will see the massive Wall which is supposed to improve security…’

My journey did not start from Istanbul, it started with this conversation back in 2011. Continue Reading…

Cycling for peace and humanity

tamara —  November 19, 2012

Join us this Saturday 24th November at 11.15am, 10 Downing Street, for a mass cycle through London in support of Gaza as the violence on its people continues to escalate. We will be cycling alongside an organised peaceful march from Downing Street to High Street Kensington.

Through cycling, we are trying to convey a message of peace and humanity to the world, to remind people that Palestinians in Gaza also deserve the right to a peaceful existence. We hope to see in our lifetime a peaceful Gaza, one that is not separated from the rest of Palestine, where people no longer have to fear death and destruction, can move freely, and are able to live a life of quality and dignity. Until then, we will keep cycling.

We invite you to join us in our efforts – wherever in the world you are. Get in touch with us on if you also want to cycle for Gaza.

The Cycling4Gaza team wishes that MAP’s Primary Trauma Care project we are supporting this year would not need to exist in Gaza in the coming months and years. But Israel’s recurrent assaults mean that Palestinian doctors and civilians need to be equipped with the necessary skills to help prevent death and disability when people are severely injured. Since the beginning of Israel’s assault last week, over 450 Palestinians have been wounded.

You can:

Find out more about MAP’s Trauma Care Project.

Contribute to MAP-Cycling4Gaza’s three projects.

Contribute directly to MAP’s emergency response in Gaza.

Thank you for your support.

Adnan, one of our cyclists from 2011, shares with us a unique insight into Gaza in the past and present, capturing his childhood years as he grew up under occupation.

Read the published article on Electronic Intifada.

September 2012.

This was my third visit to Gaza, after having visited many interrupted times throughout the past 23 years. I left Gaza at the age of 16 heading to Seattle, Washington, 2 years into the first intifada of 1987. Being a Gazan has always been a challenge, a challenge for its residents, natives, refugees and for its lovers too. Gaza has its magical spell, once you are there for an extended period of time, you can get emotionally absorbed by its coastal easygoing attitude and its softness on strangers, making it very easy to call it home, just like my dad did. And I happen to be a victim of the same spell.
Continue Reading…

A universal story

tamara —  October 30, 2012

It finished with 40 people riding into Istanbul amid Bayram (Eid) traffic, chants, beeping horns and shouts of support. 33 of us had just tackled 300 kilometres of mountainous Turkish terrain, starting in Bandirma on the Marmaris sea, onto Çanakkale, Tekirdag, and finishing in Istanbul. This was by far the toughest of all four Cycling4Gaza challenges. Despite our tour guide John’s best attempts to make us believe that we would be cycling on relatively flat roads for the most part, we soon discovered that his definition of flat was any kind of hill that wasn’t a full-fledged mountain. We tackled hill after hill after hill, reaching an elevation of over 1,230 meters on the first day, gasping for breath at the top of some of the most beautiful landscapes we had seen.

Perhaps the most memorable night was the first one. Continue Reading…

Cycling into Istanbul

tamara —  October 28, 2012

Down but not out

tamara —  October 27, 2012

An extremely challenging two days so far. Hilly terrain, rough roads, and a strong midday sun mean we are more tired, scratched and bruised than perhaps any other cycle before. We have been consoled by some breathtaking views, the spirit of teammates spurring everyone along, but above all by reminding us of why we’re doing this. We came as separate individuals with very different reasons for being here but in such a short space of time we’ve been so inspired by each other that we’ve quickly become friends.
More from us later today as we finish the remaining 110km ino Istanbul.

Getting ready to cycle

tamara —  October 25, 2012

5 a.m. wake-up call, breakfast, and loading into the the bus from Hotel Eken Prestige.

Take off in Turkey

tamara —  October 25, 2012

We are writing to you from Istanbul, on the eve of our fourth cycling challenge since the founding of Cycling4Gaza in 2009. That year what spurred us on to create the initiative was the military offensive that devastated the Gaza Strip and left the region in a humanitarian crisis. What spurs us on today is a reality that has existed for Palestinians in Gaza since before the war. The Gaza Strip stands at its fifth year under an Israeli blockade deemed illegal by the UN. Continue Reading…

London launch: Monday 22nd October

tamara —  October 21, 2012

Cycling4Gaza’s London chapter will mark the launch of the 2012 Turkey cycle tomorrow with an event at The Mosaic Rooms. Starting at 6.30pm, the launch event will include a talk from our charity partner Medical Aid for Palestinians, live music, a raffle and auction, and homemade Palestinian food.

Buy your tickets online or at the door.

We look forward to seeing you there, just 3 days before our 350km cycle across Turkey begins!

The Cycling4Gaza UK team

Outcomes: 2010 Gaza projects

tamara —  October 10, 2012

Cyclist Zara Hannoun writes about the projects Cycling4Gaza supported in 2010, and how children’s lives in Gaza have been improved as a result of those projects implemented by our 2010 charity partner, the Welfare Association, starting with an individual case study of Sara from Gaza.

“Sara was registered to Atfaluna’s Early Intervention Program for Deaf Children when she was only 18 months old. The first time her mother brought her to the centre, she said, “My daughter is deaf… she does not hear me, I don’t know how to communicate with her. I don’t go out anywhere with her because I don’t know what to tell my neighbours if they ask me what is wrong with her”. Continue Reading…

Paralympian supports Cycling4Gaza

tamara —  October 5, 2012

We are delighted to announce that we have received a wonderful message of support from Sarah Storey, the UK’s most decorated female Paralympian:

“All the best to the riders embarking on the 2012 Cycling4Gaza challenge who are raising such vital funds for the projects funded by Medical Aid for Palestinians. Charity fundraising brings out the best in humankind and it is always impressive to see the challenges people set themselves in order to raise the money needed for their chosen cause.”

This is a great motivation for us all and we will be remembering those words as we pedal along our 350 km challenge in 20 days’ time.

Do you want to sign up for our Turkey cycle challenge in October?
Download the registration pack here here for full details on the trip, our charity partner, and how to secure a place.

Deadline to sign up is the 20th of August.