2010 Projects

Zara Hannoun —  April 7, 2013

In 2010, Cycling4Gaza’s Pisa to Rome cycle raised £140,000 to implement three projects focused on early childhood development in Gaza. 27 cyclists covered 400km over 4 days, with each kilometre contributing to the progress of these educational projects supported by the Welfare Association:

  1. A School-Based Counselling Programme For Young Children In Gaza, Gaza Community Mental Health Programme –  £33,960
  2. Establishing an Outreach Home-based Early Intervention Programme for Deaf Children (0-5 years of age), Atfaluna – £31,535
  3. Support for Early Childhood Development, Kanafani Kindergartens- £71,765


Below are a few details about how each person made a difference.

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

Counselling Programs:


Counselling units were established in 6 governments schools in Gaza; fully furnished and equipped and supplied with therapy toys and various resources


School counsellors received a total of 66 mentoring and follow up sessions from GCMHP’s professional’s project team – for practical on-the-job advice and support


Teachers and parents became more aware of children’s behavioural problems through 6 awareness sessions


Students with psychological disorders were provided with improved psychosocial support and counselling through 675 one-to-one sessions


Personnel received a 20-hours training course on school counselling


Teachers benefited from the awareness-raising sessions on counselling and best practices


Parents benefited from the awareness-raising sessions on counselling and ways to support children

Summer Camps:


Children benefited from 6 summer camps


Mothers with improved awareness regarding their children’s behavioural problems through 6 awareness meetings


Facilitators from hosting NGOs and associations on conducting summer camps and recreational activities enhanced their skills and abilities


Children Involved in Group Activities

Children Involved in Group Activities

Atfaluna Society


Increase in the level of Case Load ability of ASDC, through taking on an added 53 new cases, 17 cases more than expected totalling 120 cases


Children and 265 family members benefited from the program


Early intervention sessions were conducted in children’s homes consisting of 2,920 educational sessions and 2,860 psychosocial sessions


Mothers have been trained to develop their communication and interaction capabilities with their children


Mothers indicated that this service, especially the psychosocial aspect, improved their inter-family relationships


Children significantly improved their communication and social skills and considerably developed their cognitive abilities and speech acquisition levels (sign and verbal)


Individuals received over 100 training hours in the early intervention approach and 72 hours in sign language (28 out of the 30 individuals). The participants consisted of 7 rehabilitation workers and 23/19 new graduates
Early Intervention Training

Early Intervention Training

Kanafani Kindergartens


Preschool children were fully supported for an entire academic year comprising of new uniforms; school bags; stationery; shoes; and winter jackets


Children were provided with a full academic scholarship for a year’s enrolment into the kindergarten including all the required tools such as uniforms, stationery, books etc…


Formal psychosocial support sessions were delivered to children


Reduction in anemia among the children was achieved through the design and adoption of a 7 month special nutrition programme where daily meals were distributed


Kindergarten facilities were upgraded and refurbished in addition to providing key educational aids and resources to facilitate the teaching process


Improvement in interaction  and overall scoring of the children on a survey conducted after the implementation of the Nutritional Program
A Non Utilized Room

A Non Utilized Room

Now Converted into a fully Equipped Meal Room

Now Converted into a fully Equipped Meal Room

A more detailed report of these projects can be found here.

“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there will be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

Mahatma Gandhi


Zara Hannoun

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