Check out our Newsletter!

The 2014 cycle challenge is a few days away! Over 40 individuals will take on the US cycling over 300 km in 3 days from Philadelphia to Washington DC from the 19th to the 21st of September. So far over 150,000 USD has been raised for the REACH Gaza project in partnership with the PCRF.
We appreciate your all your wonderful support. You can continue to do so by:
1. Joining us on the last leg of the cycle or the solidarity rally for Gaza on the 21st of Septemberin DC – Meet at 12:00 p.m. at Sandy Springs Meeting Point – Click here for updates AND Click here to SIGN UP
2. Donating
3. Following us and share on: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @cycling4gaza
4. Sending us messages and pictures on Twitter #C4G2014